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1000 Years with Inflation as a Policy


Rune Østgård

December 7
, 2022


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I think Fraudcoin is the most engaging and easy to read book about inflation that has ever been written. It also offers a great level of detail on all the government moves and countermoves in the development of the inflation policy. Very well done.
Lawrence W. Lepard, Investment Manager, Sherborn, Massachusetts, USA

Congratulations, you should be very proud about your book! Excellent work!
Ronald-Peter Stöferle, Managing Partner of Incrementum AG

Fraudcoin is an excellent book exploring the role of inflation on politics and world history. Inflation is largely a political decision that impacts all aspects of society and can bring down mighty empires, yet there is little debate about why inflation occurs and the immense repercussions. This book is an important contribution toward educating the public that the destructive power of inflation is not an unfortunate act of nature, but the result of reckless policy.
Glenn Diesen, Professor, University of South-Eastern Norway, Department of Business, History and Social Sciences

This mini-series only scratches the surface of Rune Østgård's book "Fraudcoin", which I recommend everyone to buy and recommend to others."Fraudcoin is the best book I've read about inflation. It's the perfect mix between the description of historical evidence and the explanation of different economic theories. It certainly demonstrates that inflation is a policy, NOT an unfortunate spontaneously emerging calamity.
Wolfgang Wee, the Wolfgang Wee Uncut podcast

A book that's hard to put down. A bit like a thriller. Suddenly, you understand things you thought were insurmountable to gain insight into.
Erika Hauffen, Librarian, Snåsa, Norway

Fraudcoin is the best book I've read about inflation. It's the perfect mix between the description of historical evidence and the explanation of different economic theories. It certainly demonstrates that inflation is a policy, NOT an unfortunate spontaneously emerging calamity.
David St-Onge, Author of “Tout sur Bitcoin" (Bitcoin: Everything you need to know), Montreal, Canada

A wonderfully well-written and accessible book for everyone, regardless of your knowledge background. Children and young people really need to have access to this knowledge.
Trine Sofie Bergh, Economics blogger, Trondheim, Norway

This is an incredibly important book. It lays out the story of the inflation policy in a clear, precise, and easy-to-understand way. It is absolutely necessary for a healthy society to have healthy money, but that will not happen until most people understand what sound money is, and why the inflation policy creates sick money.

Rune Østgård’s easy-to-read book explains what inflation is and how it affects the society.

The book takes us through 1000 Years of Inflation as a Policy, beginning with the Viking age and King Harald Hardrada, who introduced the death penalty for those who did not accept his coins as payment.

With lessons learned from the historical narrative, it is easy to join the author on the ‘journey of money’ through modern society, as he demonstrates how inflation redistributes wealth from the working and middle classes to the upper class, speculators, and the state, and away from the countryside and into the big cities.

The book includes a discussion on several issues related to monetary policy, including national security, cryptocurrency, saving and investment, and if it is correct to say that “a little inflation is good for the economy” and that “our system is based on trust”.